Tents and Trees
28/02/23 15:46
I am a huge sucker for logic puzzle games. I've spent an unhealthy amount of time in my life playing various forms of sudoku, picross, nurikabe, kenken, and any other type of puzzle I can get my hand on.
So I was very excited when Frozax Games reached out and offered me a copy of Tents & Trees for the Nintendo Switch.
Thankfully, I am already familiar with the format of Tents puzzles, so I felt comfortable quite quickly with this set.
Here, puzzles are presented arranged in packs, from 5x5 all the way up to 14x14, most of which have separate packs for Easy, Hard, and "Missing Numbers."
Initially, only 510 puzzles are presented. Although there is an achievement for solving 1000 puzzles, so I the Daily Packs are where additional puzzles will come into play. I say "only", even though even the initial 500 will keep you occupied for many hours.
After solving 25 puzzles, you unlock the "Hard" puzzles. After 50, you unlock the Daily puzzles. After 75, you unlock the Missing Numbers puzzles. And then finally, after 100 puzzles you unlock the 11x11 and larger puzzles.
As mentioned, there are various "achievements" you can earn. These have no special purpose other than potentially for tracking your progress, and bragging rights.
At 200, 300, and 400 puzzles solved, you can unlock different themes to change the colors of the puzzles.
That being said, the default theme is perfectly adequate. All the icons are made out of voxels, which lends a cute aesthetic to the game. There's even a little spray of voxels when you finish a puzzle!
All-in-all, this is a very solid presentation of a well-known puzzle type. I look forward to jumping back in to solve some more puzzles.
"Tents & Trees" from Frozak games is available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. A free-to-play version is available on iOS and Android. https://www.frozax.com/games/tents-and-trees
Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from https://keymailer.co
So I was very excited when Frozax Games reached out and offered me a copy of Tents & Trees for the Nintendo Switch.
Thankfully, I am already familiar with the format of Tents puzzles, so I felt comfortable quite quickly with this set.
Here, puzzles are presented arranged in packs, from 5x5 all the way up to 14x14, most of which have separate packs for Easy, Hard, and "Missing Numbers."
Initially, only 510 puzzles are presented. Although there is an achievement for solving 1000 puzzles, so I the Daily Packs are where additional puzzles will come into play. I say "only", even though even the initial 500 will keep you occupied for many hours.
After solving 25 puzzles, you unlock the "Hard" puzzles. After 50, you unlock the Daily puzzles. After 75, you unlock the Missing Numbers puzzles. And then finally, after 100 puzzles you unlock the 11x11 and larger puzzles.
As mentioned, there are various "achievements" you can earn. These have no special purpose other than potentially for tracking your progress, and bragging rights.
At 200, 300, and 400 puzzles solved, you can unlock different themes to change the colors of the puzzles.
That being said, the default theme is perfectly adequate. All the icons are made out of voxels, which lends a cute aesthetic to the game. There's even a little spray of voxels when you finish a puzzle!
All-in-all, this is a very solid presentation of a well-known puzzle type. I look forward to jumping back in to solve some more puzzles.
"Tents & Trees" from Frozak games is available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. A free-to-play version is available on iOS and Android. https://www.frozax.com/games/tents-and-trees
Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from https://keymailer.co
2022 in Review
17/02/23 11:32
Man how time flies! It is time for my 2022 Games in Review list. (Even though I didn't really make one for 2020 or 2021. However, I did let AI write one for me. So enjoy those if you see them.)
In 2022,I probably spent less time gaming than most years. But I did enjoy a few games quite a bit.
1) Pokemon Legends: Acreus
I was very lucky that my girlfriend surprised me with a copy of Pokemon Legends: Acreus. I hadn't totally planned on playing it, since I was unsure how the Pokemon style would work in an open world format. I'm glad that I was surprised! The game is really fun, and it is pretty cool being able to see the Pokemon world from a different perspective.
They later went on to make Pokemon Violet/Scarlet also in the open world format. I have not played either of those yet, but from what I've heard, they did not quite capture the magic that was found in Acreus.
I still have more to play of Arceus, so I look forward to what is next there.
("I still have more to play" will be a recurring theme in this post.)
2) Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Sunbreak is the big expansion for Monster Hunter Rise. And even though it came out last year, it is still receiving frequent massive free updates, with more planned all 2023.
I've been fascinated with the Monster Hunter franchise since playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the 3DS and Wii. At the time, I loved how huge everything felt, and the concept of going on little quests to take down huge monsters, and collecting parts which can then be used to create better gear and weapons. I also liked the idea of being able to transfer game progress between the 3DS and Wii.
While I didn't end up playing as much as I would have liked at the time, I still eagerly picked up Monster Hunter 4, Monster Hunter World, and then finally Monster Hunter Rise when they were all released.
Rise may be the first Monster Hunter game that I'll finally fully sink my teeth into, especially since now the game is available on a portable system, as well as on a desktop pc, so I can play whenever is most convenient for me.
3) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
This is another game that my girlfriend picked up for me. I've always liked the non-traditional Kirby games, and having a Kirby game that gives you a ton of freedom to play and explore, is really quite perfect. I also appreciate that it is easy to play in co-op mode, so me and Ellie can chill and play the game together.
4) Stray
I had been fascinated by Stray since I first saw it announced. So I'm happy it finally was released. However, my personal enthusiasm for playing it may have waned, I was very pleased that Ellie was able to play through and enjoy the game. She seemed to enjoy it a lot. And then when one of our favorite Twitch streamers started playing it, it was another thing for us to bond over. So this game gets a plus from me.
The latest game from Sam Barlow. I absolutely loved the investigative nature of Her Story, where you slowly discover video clips to mentally piece together the story of what's happening.
While IMMORTALITY doesn't quite capture the same spark in my opinion, I do appreciate just how LARGE a scale that IMMORTALITY attempts to take the concept to. You are essentially piecing together 3 full-length movies, plus behind-the-scenes snippets. And then what other mysteries lay underneath.
Definitely a game that I need to spend more time with, since there's just such a large amount of video to hunt through.
6) Saints Row
I liked some of the latest Saints Row games. They don't take themselves too seriously, while still giving you a solid freeroam open world city to tackle. I was somewhat disappointed that this new one was basically a reboot rather than a sequel. It took me a bit to get into, but when I finally did, I found myself enjoying it a lot.
However, since I bought the game on Stadia, and Stadia has since shut down, I no longer am able to play the game. And it will probably be a while before it comes to Steam. But I'll probably buy it on Steam when it is on Sale.
7) Harvestella
I picked up Rune Factory 4 on the 3DS fairly late in the 3DS' lifecycle. I had really enjoyed games like Fantasy Life and Ever Oasis, and was looking for another similar game to sink my teeth into, and Rune Factory kept popping up as a suggestion. So I checked it out, and found I really really enjoyed it!
Luck would have it, that soon after I really started getting into it, they announced a port of Rune Factory 4 would be released on the Switch. So I kind of stopped playing to wait for the Switch version. (And then eventually they released the game on Steam as well)
Fast forward, and Rune Factory 5 came out, to mixed review. And while I still have plenty of RF4 to play, I was interested in a 3D Rune Factory type game. So then Square Enix announces Harvestella.
It took a bit before I started playing, but I soon found that yes, Harvestella does well to scratch some of that Rune Factory etc itch.
Which, considering they've announced a new Rune Factory game is in development, as well as a new Fantasy Life game, I am quite satisfied in crafting/adventure games.
In 2022,I probably spent less time gaming than most years. But I did enjoy a few games quite a bit.
1) Pokemon Legends: Acreus
I was very lucky that my girlfriend surprised me with a copy of Pokemon Legends: Acreus. I hadn't totally planned on playing it, since I was unsure how the Pokemon style would work in an open world format. I'm glad that I was surprised! The game is really fun, and it is pretty cool being able to see the Pokemon world from a different perspective.
They later went on to make Pokemon Violet/Scarlet also in the open world format. I have not played either of those yet, but from what I've heard, they did not quite capture the magic that was found in Acreus.
I still have more to play of Arceus, so I look forward to what is next there.
("I still have more to play" will be a recurring theme in this post.)
2) Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Sunbreak is the big expansion for Monster Hunter Rise. And even though it came out last year, it is still receiving frequent massive free updates, with more planned all 2023.
I've been fascinated with the Monster Hunter franchise since playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the 3DS and Wii. At the time, I loved how huge everything felt, and the concept of going on little quests to take down huge monsters, and collecting parts which can then be used to create better gear and weapons. I also liked the idea of being able to transfer game progress between the 3DS and Wii.
While I didn't end up playing as much as I would have liked at the time, I still eagerly picked up Monster Hunter 4, Monster Hunter World, and then finally Monster Hunter Rise when they were all released.
Rise may be the first Monster Hunter game that I'll finally fully sink my teeth into, especially since now the game is available on a portable system, as well as on a desktop pc, so I can play whenever is most convenient for me.
3) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
This is another game that my girlfriend picked up for me. I've always liked the non-traditional Kirby games, and having a Kirby game that gives you a ton of freedom to play and explore, is really quite perfect. I also appreciate that it is easy to play in co-op mode, so me and Ellie can chill and play the game together.
4) Stray
I had been fascinated by Stray since I first saw it announced. So I'm happy it finally was released. However, my personal enthusiasm for playing it may have waned, I was very pleased that Ellie was able to play through and enjoy the game. She seemed to enjoy it a lot. And then when one of our favorite Twitch streamers started playing it, it was another thing for us to bond over. So this game gets a plus from me.
The latest game from Sam Barlow. I absolutely loved the investigative nature of Her Story, where you slowly discover video clips to mentally piece together the story of what's happening.
While IMMORTALITY doesn't quite capture the same spark in my opinion, I do appreciate just how LARGE a scale that IMMORTALITY attempts to take the concept to. You are essentially piecing together 3 full-length movies, plus behind-the-scenes snippets. And then what other mysteries lay underneath.
Definitely a game that I need to spend more time with, since there's just such a large amount of video to hunt through.
6) Saints Row
I liked some of the latest Saints Row games. They don't take themselves too seriously, while still giving you a solid freeroam open world city to tackle. I was somewhat disappointed that this new one was basically a reboot rather than a sequel. It took me a bit to get into, but when I finally did, I found myself enjoying it a lot.
However, since I bought the game on Stadia, and Stadia has since shut down, I no longer am able to play the game. And it will probably be a while before it comes to Steam. But I'll probably buy it on Steam when it is on Sale.
7) Harvestella
I picked up Rune Factory 4 on the 3DS fairly late in the 3DS' lifecycle. I had really enjoyed games like Fantasy Life and Ever Oasis, and was looking for another similar game to sink my teeth into, and Rune Factory kept popping up as a suggestion. So I checked it out, and found I really really enjoyed it!
Luck would have it, that soon after I really started getting into it, they announced a port of Rune Factory 4 would be released on the Switch. So I kind of stopped playing to wait for the Switch version. (And then eventually they released the game on Steam as well)
Fast forward, and Rune Factory 5 came out, to mixed review. And while I still have plenty of RF4 to play, I was interested in a 3D Rune Factory type game. So then Square Enix announces Harvestella.
It took a bit before I started playing, but I soon found that yes, Harvestella does well to scratch some of that Rune Factory etc itch.
Which, considering they've announced a new Rune Factory game is in development, as well as a new Fantasy Life game, I am quite satisfied in crafting/adventure games.